How to view, reschedule, or cancel a Boomeranged message

After Boomeranging a messaging, you can reschedule, cancel, or return it immediately if you find that your needs change. 

In this article

From the Boomerang manage page (recommended)

From within Gmail

How to reschedule, cancel, or return a Boomeranged message from the manage page

How to reschedule a Boomeranged message

Open Gmail, and click the Boomerang Icon in the top right corner of the page.

Click Manage scheduled messages from the dropdown menu.

On the Boomerang manage page, navigate to the Messages to Boomerang tab.

Locate and select the previously scheduled message that you would like to reschedule.

Click the Reschedule button.

Enter the new date or time you'd like the message to return, and click Confirm.

The manage page will reflect any changes you've made, and the message will return at the newly scheduled time.

How to cancel a Boomeranged message

Open Gmail, and click the Boomerang icon in the top right corner of the page.
Click Manage scheduled messages from the dropdown menu.
On the Boomerang manage page, navigate to the Messages to Boomerang tab.


Locate and select the previously scheduled message that you would like to cancel.

Click the Don't Return button.

The previously Boomeranged message has been canceled and will no longer return to your inbox. Any canceled messages can be found in the All Messages folder if needed.

How to return a Boomeranged message immediately

Open Gmail, and click the Boomerang icon in the top right corner of the page.
Click Manage scheduled messages from the dropdown menu.
On the Boomerang manage page, navigate to the Messages to Boomerang tab.

Locate and select the previously scheduled message that you would like to return to your inbox now.


Click the Return Now button.

The message will be returned to your inbox immediately.

How to reschedule, cancel, or return a Boomeranged message from Gmail

How to reschedule a Boomeranged message

In Gmail, navigate to the Boomerang folder.


Click on the email you want to reschedule.

In the Boomerang details section above the email, click on the Reschedule button.

Enter the new date or time you'd like the message to return, and click Reschedule.

The Boomerang details section will reflect any changes you've made, and the message will return at the newly scheduled time.

How to cancel a Boomeranged message


In Gmail, navigate to the Boomerang folder.

Click on the email you want to cancel.


In the Boomerang details section above the email, click on the  Don't Return button.

The Boomeranged message has been canceled and will no longer return to your inbox. Any canceled messages can be found in the  All Messages folder if needed.

How to return a Boomeranged message immediately

In Gmail, navigate to the Boomerang folder.


Click on the email you want to return to your inbox.

In the Boomerang details section above the email, click on the Return Now button.

The message will be returned to your inbox immediately.

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