What is Add Event?

Add Event is the easiest way to turn an email into an event!

You don't always send the first email for every meeting you plan to have. In that case, try Boomerang's Add Event feature. Click Add Event, and we'll pre-populate a calendar event for you with everything filled in from the information inside the email. We'll find meeting links, locations, times, time zones, dates, attendees, and everything else. No more separate invitations, no more confusion, no more transcription. Say farewell to typos and that extra calendar tab you had to keep open!

The Add Event dialog is packed with thoughtful affordances to make getting events into your calendar effortless. For example, you'll notice that all of the times we detected in the email are highlighted in red, yellow, and green - those colors show you whether you're busy, back-to-back, or free during those times. Hover over one of them to get a preview of what the event would look like in your schedule, or click one to prefill all of the meeting information based on that time. You can also send automatic meeting reminders, invite other guests who are on the email thread, and manage multiple calendars with ease.

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