How to set up Focus Time with Inbox Pause

With Boomerang's Inbox Pause feature, you can now schedule focus time in your workday to get through important tasks without those email notifications sidetracking you. Every time you get interrupted by an email notification, it can take up to 20 minutes to regain focus, so setting up a Focus Time pause schedule can be perfect for carving out deep work time that needs your full attention.

Inbox Pause Schedules are a Pro Subscription plan feature. You can upgrade to a Pro Subscription plan here.

How to set up Focus Time with Inbox Pause

Click Pause Inbox in the top left corner of Gmail.
Click Focus Time.
Set your Inbox to pause during the time period you'd like to focus during.
Customize any additional Pause Settings. You can create an Auto-Reply to let senders know your Inbox is paused, whitelist certain email addresses, domains, and words with Delivery Exceptions, and/or hide the label that stores your emails so it's less accessible.
Click Turn On Your Schedule to confirm.
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