My buttons are not showing in Safari!

If you're using Safari on Mac OS 13 or older, please go to this help article instead

If you're on Mac OS 14.1+, you may have noticed your Boomerang buttons have disappeared. This is due to new privacy & permissions settings that Apple has added to Safari.

There are two different ways you can fix this issue to restore Boomerang's buttons.

From the browser bar:

You may see a warning/alert icon (a triangle with a ! inside) in your browser bar, just to the left of the Gmail website address, near a long dash mark. Click on that alert icon or the dash mark, and it should pop up a message about granting permissions.

Select the Always Allow for this Website option. Your Boomerang buttons should immediately return (or should return if you refresh your Gmail).

From Safari Settings:

Click on the Safari menu

Click on Settings

Click on Websites

Scroll down the left sidebar until you reach Extensions, then click on Boomerang for Gmail

Click on the dropdown menu and select Allow

Go back to Gmail and refresh the page, and Boomerang's buttons should reappear
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