What is an Organization Subscription, and why should we get one?

An Organization Subscription is an excellent option if you need 2 or more seats! Organization Subscriptions come with:

  • Discounted pricing - Each license is 10% off our regular prices
  • Online Organization Management Portal - Organization Admins can add or remove licenses, add or remove team members, and can assign additional admin or Billing Contacts. They can also change the organization's billing information, and can view and download invoices.  Billing Contacts can change the organization's billing information, and can view and download invoices.
  • Consolidated billing - One charge (per month or per year) covers all the licenses in the team, so you have one invoice/receipt, instead of having to track down multiple!
  • Team-Specific Features - Within an org, you can create smaller groups called teams to utilize team-specific features together. Want Round Robin Bookable Schedules for your entire sales team? Or Collective Team Bookable Schedules that expertly ensure multiple members of the team can make it to the meetings recipients book? Create teams after purchasing an Org Subscription, and you'll be on your way to team scheduling.

Ready to purchase an Organization Subscription? Get started here!

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